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Winter on the Farm, Northern Iowa  (directly below)
Bobwhite Quail in Northeast Iowa (bottom).
(Click on images to enlarge.)
Confident brush strokes - brilliant results
Bobwhite Quail

In the past several years, I have concentrated on painting woodland forest scenes that are highlighted by aspen, birch, maple and pine trees. Of course, birds are seen in many of these wooded snapshots.

While I paint from spring, summer, fall and winter landscapes familiar to me in northern Florida, I also reflect on my home hiking trails in Iowa. So, while a casual observer may only glance casually at a tree, I see THE tree and its neighbors as a focus for color and grace in a woodland.

Sharing my art has always given me great satisfaction. Hopefully, some of the watercolor work shown here will inspire others.  Explore your own potential. Let the colors and the medium guide you as you search for your voice in the world of watercolor.

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